Warning, get the tissues ready!!!
Yep, it's that time again!
At first I was NOT looking forward to Lily going back to school, and on some levels that feeling is still lingering, but then the screaming and the fighting and the CONSTANT bickering between my two girls just pushes that little feeling into the hidden corners of my mind!!!
We went shopping for her school supplies a couple of weeks ago, and got all that taken care of. It seems like whoever I talk to about school supplies is somewhat shocked at the little amount of stuff we have to buy. I guess we live in a good area, we had heard this was a good school system before we moved here, and this is one of the main reasons we did, but at that time I did not know how good it was until last year. My sister has told me horror stories of all the things they have to buy, and the fees that each class has to pay, that was for her first grader last year. Anyway, here was the list for this year at Lily's school.
12 glue sticks (white or purple)
3 boxes of 24 crayons (regular size)
1 8-pack washable markers (no neon)
4 packs of sharpened #2 pencils (40 total)
1 single subject spiral notebook (wide rule)
1 composition notebook (wide rule, no grid)
2 packs of pencil top erasers
3 plastic folders with prongs and pockets, 2 paper folders without prongs
small plastic supply box (6x9)
First Grade writing supplies (purchase from local school $3.00)
1 pack of 8 dry erase markers (fat)
1 watercolor paint set (8 colors)
1 ½ inch 3 ring binder (white with clear pocket on front)
I'm not quite sure yet what the First Grade writing supplies are, I went up to the school and asked, they just said to ask her teacher. Oh well, it's only 3 bucks.
Well, tomorrow we are off to meet her First Grade teacher, and I'm a little nervous. I have many friends who are teachers, and I don't want to offend anyone. We liked Lily's Kindergarten teacher, on a personal level. But we had several small issues last school year, and even though she was nice, I'm not so sure she was the best teacher for our Lily. Did Lily learn, YES, she is supper smart, and was above the charts in all areas, but we had some issues that we just marked off as adjustment issues, seeings how that was THE FIRST TIME she has ever been in that type of environment, she never was in daycare or even any type of mother's day out, she's always been with us, or at least someone in our family. Not that she is shy, on the contrary, she is a very independent and outgoing child. She just was not used to the whole listening to orders, and following directions thing. As for the teacher, she was young, probably has only been teaching for a couple of years, and goes strictly by the book! I'm sorry, but not all children learn at the same rate and on the same timetable. I don't think she got that. It's funny cause at first I was relieved that she was young, I did not want some old bitty in there being a witch to my precious angel. Now I'm not so conserned if it is an older teacher, and actually hoping that it is someone with many more years of teaching experience. At least someone who understands that each child learns at a different speed than others!
We shall see soon!