School days
Wow ya'll, I'm sorry I have not updated for a while!Miss Lily is doing pretty good in school. We had a couple of little bumps in the road at first. Her school is pretty new, and I guess when they built it they wanted all the new gadgets. Well, when we took her to open house the night before her first day, we noticed that they have automatic toilets in the bathrooms. Well, I knew we were gonna have issues, as Lily is (and always has been) terrified of those potties!!!
Yeah, I picked her up on her first day, and she had a sticker on her shirt, from the school nurse. So I asked her what the sticker was for, and she said the lady gave it to her when she went potty. Well, she didn't say much else, and I figured something must have happened, for her to have went to the nurse. Not an hour after we got home, her teacher calls, and says
"I know you told me she was hesitant about going."
Um, no! I told you she was scarred to death of them!!!
Anyway, she tells me Lily cried and shook, and refused to go into the bathroom, she pretty much held it all day, until rest time, when they were laying on their mats, and Lily was crying, and shaking, and she asked her if she had to pee, and Lily finally said she did "really bad," but still did not want to go into those bathrooms, so her teacher took her to the nurses office, and she finally went in there. So, long story short, we went out on field trips to the mall, and Wal-mart (several times) to "practice" using the potty by herself.
Hopefully she is doing better, I have not heard from her teacher, she told me she would email me if we were still having issues, so I take that as a good sign. The first few times I took her, she cried when I left. The first day I was o.k. but the second day, it just tore my heart right out. And I cried driving away.
But now, she seems to REALLY be liking it, although it is still like trying to pull teeth getting her to tell you what she did in school today!
They don't give the Kindergartener's much home work (thank goodness) but they do want
us to ready with her every night, which we did anyway, so no big deal! She has brought home
a couple of things that they did in school, and last week she came home with some drawing that some of the kids did. I guess they made it "Lily day" cause the drawings where all of Lily.
They were so cute! Of course my DH comes home and laughs (not in front of Lily) about a couple of them. He said one of them looked like a cross-eyed peanut, and then another looked like a severed head in a box. I'll have to scan them and let you all see. One little girl who is in her class is Asian, and she drew Lily so pretty!
Now for Miss Madilyn! I figured she would have a hard time adjusting to Lily not being there.
Nope, doesn't seem to miss her at all! I think she kindof likes having me and all of the toys to herself. And on one of the first days, Matt asked her before he went to work what she wanted
to watch, and she said, "a movie I want to watch!"
Also, I am so excited!!! We did not lose our nap time like I thought we would! We had to move it to an earlier time, but it works! Of course I have to set an alarm clock to make sure we don't over sleep. But man I was not looking forward to not getting my naps! I know, it sounds funny, a grown up taking naps, but I've been used to it for 5 1/2 years now, so when I don't get one, I'm so beat! Plus I stay up really late at night, and if I didn't take naps, then I would have to go to bed earlier, and therefore I would not have as much time to check up on all "my stuff,"
My bloggy friends, and emails!!!
Well, the other day, I was upstairs checking something on the computer, and Madilyn
comes up there with me, she brings a couple of toys. I'm not really watching what she
is doing for a while, but then I look over and see this:
Yeah, she must of been bored! She hung this little dolly up by a ribbon on the treadmill. I told her not to touch it, I had to go grab my camera! It was just too funny!
I also have to say, it is REALLY nice not hearing screaming over toys, and fighting since Lily went to school, as much as I hate to say it!!!
We're doing pretty good!!!