Just some of my purchases
Well, here's some of my many purchases from shopping trips I have gone on lately.
I have bought more than this, but some are Christmas presents, so I don't want to give anything away.
From top left, one of my favortites! A cute little Asian Snuggle Beans Cabbage Patch Baby, I loved her little face and check out her name! Faith Aisha! I went crazy going around to all the Walmarts looking at these new release babies, I've also bought a little boy, and a bald girl, they are just adorable!
The next doll I had seen on websites before, but the other day I was in Parisian, and they had some, so I could not resist. She has a vinyl face, but the rest of her body is just fluff.
The third little doll, I ordered from celebrateadoption.com, They have these in different ethnic backgrounds, and they are so soft, and are anatomically correct.
Ever since Lily was born, I order my girls yearly Christmas ornaments, Most of them I put away for them, to give them when they are older, don't really know when, maybe as a wedding gift, or the first Christmas they are out on their own. But anyway, I have gotten special ones, for their first Christmas. I did not want the date to be on the ornament, so for both girls I had a little charm engraved with their name and birthday, then I attached it to the ornament. I was in Things Remembered the other day, and I saw this one, both Lily and Madilyn's are silver, so I really wanted to get this one for our next daughter. I don't know if this will be her first Christmas or not so I will wait about having a charm engraved, but I will be putting it on the tree this year, cause I HOPE she is born by now, but with the slow down, who knows!
Black Friday I got up at 3:30 in the morning to go to the mall with Matt's brother and his wife. It was crazy, but not as bad as one would think. I had seen these suitcases in the sales paper, so I wanted to see them, thinking I would just get a black one, for our trip, but when we got there, THEY HAD PINK ONES!!! I got the medium and large sizes, and my sister-in-law got the small one. They are really nice, the wheels spin all the way around. They were only $39.99 each!
I went out today, and saw these cute tote bags, one has wheels. The pink dots match the suitcases perfectly!
Last but not least, at the same store where I got the pink dot bags, I found this quilted wallet and bag set, the best part, there's ladybugs on them!
Wow, well I'm tired, so I will have to post more later!