So busy, so busy, so busy!
Sorry for not posting much lately, we have been extremely busy getting ready to move. We close on our new house this Friday (woo, hoo!) and we are trying to get our house ready to put on the market soon. This past weekend Matt took the girls to his parents house so that I could get some painting done. I don't mind painting, but I HATE painting ceilings! A few months ago, we had to replace our air conditioner, and when they did, the new pan leaked, and it put water spots on the ceiling from the dinning room to the kitchen, so I bought some ceiling paint hoping that I could just cover up the spots, but the paint did not match, so I had to do the entire ceiling in both rooms, ARGH! Plus I had to paint the ceiling in our bathroom. Friday night I painted a lot of the trim in side, still needs some, but can't do till we move furniture, then painted the crown molding in our bedroom (we put it up almost a year ago, and had not painted it yet)
I spent the whole day Saturday out in the front of the house painting the trim, front door, and the shutters, then Sunday the (@#!^%*&+) ceilings.
Today, I started on the back porch, we had it covered shortly after we moved here 4 years ago, and had not finished it due to the fact that when it rains, it leaks where the new roof was added on near the chimney. so anyway, I climb up there (yes, on the roof!) to see if I can tell why, no, but I noticed now that part of the siding is rotted on the chimney, just great, I'm starting to worry that we will never sell this house!
Any way, needless to say, I have been busy , and sorry but probably will not have time to post much lately, but I will be keeping up with everyone soon!!!