O.K. I'm done!!! I think

Well, what do I do with my spare time? Besided wait, and wait, and wait? (we'll come back to that later ) Make stuff, of coarse. And to tell you the truth, I really am tired of canning things, weither it be tomatoes, or pickles, I hope our little garden is almost done for the season. Actually I could not have put up so much salsa, spagetti sauce, taco sauce, enchilada sauce, and chili sauce without being givin like a gazillion tomatoes from my sister in law, THANKS!
Besides all the sauces, I have made regular pickles, spicy pickles, pickled tomatoes, pickled okra, pickle relish, and chow chow (I know what you're thinking, and NO it is not dog food, it's a kind of relish, southern style) oh, and the Tabasco peppers!
How big was my garden? Not very we have two tomato plants, 3 green bell pepper, 1 purple bell pepper, 1 yellow bell pepper (although they never turned yellow) 3 tabasco pepper plants, and three cucumber plants. It's nice to go out and pick our own, fresh veggies!

Now on the wait. I know that I have not mentioned the adoption much lately, but to be honest there really is no news. We are basically just waiting (for who knows how long!) to be matched with a baby. It's really not that simple though. They are processing the paperwork in order of when it was received, and the latest lucky ones to get their referrals waited just about 12-13 months. So if things do not speed back up, we probably won't get to see our baby's pretty little face until at least April of next year. Clearly NOT what we were planning on, but we really can't do anything about it. Trying to be patient!