Still waiting!!!
O.K. well, I have come to terms with the fact that we will NOT be DTC this month either, so now what do we do?We desperately hope, pray, cross our fingers, and wiggle our noses ( and whatever else you can possibly do ) to be able to get our Dossier To China in March! By Golly! I have been rushing to the mail box all this week, but NOTHING. No magical little piece of paper that says we are now approved by this country to adopt a baby from China, in other words, we still don't have our I 171 H form. I was hoping it would come today so we could get every thing done, and be DCT by March 10th. But looking at the calendar that won't happen unless it comes tomorrow! If it doesn't come until next week then that will push us to March 17th. What else can I say, except I am not the happiest camper today. On a good note, we received an email from our agency with a stork alert! Every time that referral's are on there way to the U.S. from China, our agency sends out what they call stork alerts. Supposedly there are 90 referrals in this batch, but we will see.So any way, I had previously posted the fact that I like to shop! And I have taken some pictures of some of the things that I have found along the way. So for a little fun, and actually just to make my blog more exciting, I will post some pictures for ya'll.