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Well, she did it! Lily made it through her first year of school!
There were times we just wondered if this was the right thing for her. We talked about maybe trying to homeschool, but my patience level would not have allowed it! In the end, we are pretty happy with it all! Thursday was her last day, and I have to say I was a little sad to see it come to an end. I am happy about not HAVING to get up quite so early for a while, but still, just a little bit sad. I know she liked going, and she made some friends, who we will try to see this summer. I have met several of the moms, and three of them have girls that are close to Madilyn's age, so we have all agreed to get together for play dates, not only for Lily's friends, but their siblings too. Hopefully it will help with the cabin fever through the long hot summer days! We are so proud of how far Lily has come in such a short amount of time.
I had asked her teacher if there would be any kind of Kindergarten graduation, and she said no, public school's don't do that. So, we had a little party of our own. I had made an ABC quilt for Lily, and gave it to her, she LOVES it, I will have to post pics of it, pretty cute have to say! We got her a little cake, and man it was good, it's sitting in the fridge taunting me now!!!
Hope next year she will have just as much fun!!!
good job Lily!!!
I ant to see the ABC quilt!!!
Congrats, Lily!
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